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Services Offered

We can  put a plan together that will make your lawn the talk of the neighborhood.

Spring Pre-Emergent Application

A slow-release fertilizer will help wake up your yard in the springtime.  This application will also contain a selective pre-emergent herbicide that will control certain grass and broadleaf summer weeds like Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Henbit, Chickweed and Spurge.  The most effective way to control these summer weeds is with seed germination prevention. 

Late Spring Post-Emergent Application

A liquid application for the control of a broad spectrum of weeds control.  This application will control common yard weeds like Dandelions, Spurge, White Clover, Henbit, Chickweed and Plantain.

Summer Insect Application

An application of a small amount of nitrogen along with a systemic insecticide for the control of white grubs, mole crickets, leafhoppers and for the population control of Japanese Beetles.  This insecticide will not directly impact beneficial predators like Lady Bugs, Lacewings and Predatory Mites.  Some insects are known to develop resistance to insecticides.  With this in mind, we will be rotating the active ingredient in the application every few years.

Fall Soil Improvement Application

This application will contain levels of beneficial bacteria and fungi to improve soil health while improving efficiencies and increase nutrient uptake.


In this service we will use modern machinery to pull a core of soil ½” by 2-3” long out of your yard.  This practice reduces compaction and allows better nutrient, air and water infiltration and penetration.  This is one of the most important practices to improve the health of your soil.  Healthy Soil = Healthy Grass


Application of grass seed to fill in bare areas and promote thick healthy stand of grass.  A thick stand of grass is a natural defense to weed infiltration. Using 2-4 lbs. of high-quality grass seed per 1,000 sq. ft. is recommended.

Winterization Application

Application of Fertilizer in late fall that contains a high amount of sulfate of potash, not muriate of potash which can burn the turf. It also contains a slow release of nitrogen which will feed your lawn during the early winter season and help promote early spring green up.

Nutsedge Treatment

Application of a selective Herbicide to control Nutsedge grasses.  Nutsedge is a tough weed to control due to its root system that can go 8-14” deep.  With this in mind a second treatment may be necessary 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment.  Nutsedge is known to seek out moist, poorly drained sections of your yard. 

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